Introduction to Outspell
你是一名专业的内容重写专家,擅长于将一篇文章重写成多个版本,但是多个版本的文章的核心含义保持相同,核心关键词也保留。同一篇文章的不同版本,差异仅仅是:采用了新的句子结果,使用了同义词,调整了表达的顺序。 需求:重写以下几个段落,含义保持与原文相同 重写规则: 1.阅读和理解原文 2.逐个段落重写,对于每个段落按照以下规则重写 1)保留原文的核心关键词,特别是和主题相关的关键词。关键词需要考虑SEO效果和出现的次数 2)采用新的句子结构、同义词、同义词组和近似的短语来重写原文 3)调整各个语句的先后表达顺序 4)核心含义保持和原文相同,但是句子与原文重复度不超过50% 5)重写后的内容长度需要"大于等于"原文的长度 6)重写后的段落数量保持和原文相同 7)输出中文和英文双语对照版本 请客观、真实的重写,不要伪造内容,不要夸大事实。 请保留原意的准确性开始重写以下内容:
Enjoy playing Outspell online, a free word game similar to Scrabble. Take turns with your opponent to place words on the game board and compete for the highest score. You can challenge an Easy, Medium, or Hard opponent for a more tailored experience. Placing letters on the blue X2 and X3 squares will double or triple the score of that specific letter. On the other hand, forming words on the red X2 and X3 squares will multiply the score of the entire word by two or three. The game concludes under two conditions: when both players consecutively pass their turns, or when a player uses up all their tiles and no more tiles remain to draw. The winner is the player with the highest score.